We stopped in Sheridan to gas up and get groceries for the couple of days in the park. In the crossing of Bighorn we saw a moose off in a field. We caught a couple lousy pics but he wouldn't present anything other than his backside - even after we turned around and circled to get a better angle. We saw a lone goat right off the right side just outside Yellowstone. The trip today provided numerous antelope, which have been fairly hard to spy thus far.
As we went through the tunnels in the mountain just before Yellowstone, I told the girls that they could now say they had been through a mountain! Isobelle replied, "Yeah. Mountains with concealment!"
Dinnertime: Arrived in Yellowstone after a long, uneventful drive. The mountain Pass was spectacular, but a little unnerving for Victoria and I. So I drove to focus on the road ahead and John could sight see. We took highway 14 through the Bighorn. There were large piles of bison dung everywhere. Started a fire for dinner, with purchased Yellowstone wood that was very wet! It was a trick to start. (Everyone around us was having a hard time with it too!)
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