8:30 pm: Those alien clouds turned out to carry mass destruction weapons - otherwise known as reported golf ball sized hail (we witnessed quarter sized) and multiple tornadoes. John noticed the alien clouds were turning a touch green, which I thought would only support my alien theory. Alas. We drove on into Northern Minnesota, past Blooming Prairie. (John made a joke about his British look on that name.) I turned on my cell phone radio and immediately found the local station, reporting a touchdown EXACTLY where we were. We were 3/4 mile from the exit, and got hail on the ramp. We gound shelter under a gas station awwning (packed with cars.) The local siren started, so we decided to head into the building. The girls were a little nervous with the hail but freaked with the sounding alarm. Isobelle scooped up Elizabeth and ran with me the few feat to the building. John and Victoria (who were both on the other side of the car) were a little slower. Victoria grabbed her Judy doll and Felicity. As she got out in a panic, spilling colored pencils and miscilanious toys everywhere, Felicity's head rolled out of sight. I didn't know it had happened until I saw Victoria shaking and crying hysterically and coming in with a headless American Girl doll. The storm passed within 10 minutes. We found her head under the car and I was able to stick it back on. Once it's dry, we'll fix her up tight. So much for an uneventful trip through MN. However, I did see a few green men; I was a little sick to my stomach myself.

There was a second scare, but appears to have passed South. The clouds still loom overhead. They're coming...
But we made it home, safe and sound around midnight!
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