I awoke at a "respectable time," according to me: 7:30 am CST. We slept until 9:30 yesterday, and knowing we had a long day of driving today, I wanted to get going early. We did! John and I were sad to go but looking forward to being home. Missing the dogs, among other things.
We stopped for groceries in Gallop, New Mexico. The lava rock and Painted Desert we could see from the freeway were cool. I personally hate all the trucks that are on the road. Hopefully going north will find the roads less populated by semi's.
Our drive today found a man walking on the side of the highway with his bags tied to a life sized crucifix. A sight I've never seen.
We picked up a junkie McDonald's lunch in Albuquerque and some fuel. The interchange was expansive and adorned with some pretty decorative blue painted accent. The town also has a wonderful amount of trees visible from the freeway. That's nice to see after several days in the barren desert of Winslow.
The break pad light decided to add itself to our dashboards souvenirs from the trip, this evening. Brakes are working fine - just another things to get fixed. It WAS a nice car...
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