Sleeping was cold - windy really. We all climbed into the large mattress together. Slept eventually. Quick breakfast then head out to Rushmore, etc.
6:55 CST: In a little of a shock and serious mood - the auto accident.
We left Badlands and up to Rushmore. That was a wonderful and beautiful area. Victoria was very excited to see Mt. Rushmore in person. We then headed to Crazy Horse, but entrance fee of $27 seemed too steep, even though we would love to support. We saw it from the side though. Then proceeded through Rapid City, where we picked up some expensive dinner and breakfast groceries.
Just past the Wyoming border, we had the accident. A motorcycle stopped short (quickly) in front of us, I braked hard, realized I was going to hit them, swerved into the other lane and proceeded into a fishtale where I lost control. We hit them in back (the saddlebag and rear tire,) but had already slowed greatly. The man and woman spoke only french, so no one yet knew their side of the story. The man was bleeding from his head with a possible broken wrist or arm; the womans knee skinned, from what we could tell. I called 911 right away and they came fairly quickly. The cyclists seemed like they would be okay.
I got a call from Pop as I was dialing 911, just to say "hi" and see how we were, according to his message. (I check it hours late when I remembered he'd called.)
I talked with Billy the trooper, calmed the kids who were very upset and John and I assessed the damage to the car. It seems fine. We found the Keyhole State Park in Wyoming for the night.
We visited the Cosmos Sight today too! We all keep forgetting that with the accident excitement. The girls had a complete blast there. Definitely fun.
I'm running on empty and feel like I want to cry, but not sure why. The girls are bouncing back a little, now that we've set up camp and there's burgers and Doritos in their future. The weather turned up today too.
9:03 CST: We hit Wall Drug first thing this morning. The girls each got a piece of fools gold and a couple of post cards.
This evening the trunk wouldn't shut. Izzy's seatbelt wouldn't work yesterday, but then started working again. I'm hoping the trunk is just in a mood. I know I am. I ate junk to feel better - Doritos and chocolate.
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