In the morning the city of ground squirrels came alive. We dropped a couple peanuts while Izzy was making more trail mix, and one little brave one got pretty chummy to us once he realized there were scraps of food falling from us like dandruff. Eww.
We awoke after a very cold night to frost on the ground and the tent wet. We got going fairly quickly - off to Arizona!
7:00 pm CST: Passed through the Red Monument Valley, which is stunning! The drive was long, uneventful and like yesterday, interspersed with frequent bathrooms stops requested by Victoria.
As recommended by Erins friend, we check out Lockett Meadow Campground across from Sunset Crater. It's not for the "feint of heart or the low-slung of car." ~ John White (the getting to of the campground, that is.) A single wide dirt path winding up, up , up the mountain, with seemingly heavy traffic! I managed to survive the passing of a small car, but next came a extra-large 4X4 and I quickly hopped out to walk behind the car. (There was plenty of room to pass from my new vantage point, but as the passenger passing on the outside of the mountain, it looked very shady.) Needless to say, the Jetta and Emily can't make that trip even once daily, let alone more. We're headed to Homolovi Ruins State Park outside Winslow, AZ, where we will meet the Nelsons.
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