The girls sharing a room has been going well. Beginning last September, the girls moved into what was Victoria's room and John and I took Isobelle's room. We squeezed two twin beds in there, with only a 12 inch (or so) path in between. It was tight - they didn't seems to mind. All this left for very little room to play. So downstairs, where our room was previous, we turned into a play room. They liked it for a while, but then it got cold. And stayed cold. It's Minnesota, after all. They definately didn't enjoy being down there when the cement floor makes your feet ache with cold. It became a toy dump!
With homeschooling beginning soon, we needed a place for a class room. The play room is it! There is heat (we didn't keep it on regularly, but will now!) and a window air conditioner for the few hot days Minnesota hands out.
The girls got a new bunk bed, so they can reclaim a little of their room for playing!

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