After the long, exhausting, at times tramatic trip west, the girls needed a little fun and pampering time. The American Girls, that is. We all took a trip to the Cities last Thursday. I picked up some high end markers for an art project I'm doing (Copics really are the best) as well as checking out a drafting table at Ikea. We didn't get that, but we picked up a few kitchen odds and ends there. Right across the way is the Mall of America. We popped in there, heading to the American Girl Doll Store. Goldmine! As in, who ever owns that is making A LOT of money.
The dolls both had their hair done, a scrubbing up, and Victoria's Felicity got her ears pierced. Elizabeth got a toothbrush/bathroom kit. They looked as good as new!
Isobelle, Victoria and Emily went on one of the roller coasters they have in the center area of the mall. This was the first time for either of the little girls. Isobelle loved it, as I knew she would. Victoria when through all emotions during the 1 minute ride. She loved it, then worried her head was going to get pulled off from the g-forces, and then panicked and hated it. Mixed reviews on her part. I guess she's not such an inherent adrenaline junkie that Isobelle or I are.